Thursday, February 24, 2011

Teen Gangs

For years the United States of America ranked as one of the top countries with the highest crime rate around, many would argue that it was due to the increase of gangs. Gangs have expanded so rapidly and are considered to be much more dangerous and violent now then ever before. As reported in the latest National Youth Gang Survey, “Some 788,000 gang members and 27,000 gangs were active in more than 3,550 U.S. jurisdictions in 2007. As most gang members join between the ages of 12 and 15, prevention is a critical strategy within a comprehensive response to gangs that includes intervention, suppression and reentry". With our population steadily increasing every year, there is a demand for more programs that help the youth stay out of the life of gang’s and violence.

Generally the youth is so naive and easily persuaded that in many cases if the young men and women are simply around gang members or engage in delinquent behavior that is sometimes enough  to make them want to join a gang and live a lifestyle full of criminal activity. It is crucial to engage the youth in positive activities as much as possible since they tend to get in trouble and hang out with the wrong crowd when they have nothing better to do. Statistics show that peak hours for youth crime in California are during the hours of 2PM-6PM. Crime and drug use by youths is increased during these hours because of the lack of adult supervision. Since most guardians are at work during these hours, there is no way to regulate their children; thus leaving these children stranded in the community where they pick up bad habits and waste their time with the wrong crowd (

However, the youth join gangs for many different reasons. Some join gangs for respect, others for protection, some for money, and many simply because they know a friend in a gang. “A common public perception is that most youth are coerced into joining a gang. Quite to the contrary, most youth who join want to belong to a gang. Gangs are often at the center of appealing social action— parties, hanging out, music, drugs, and opportunities to socialize with members of the opposite sex. The gang may be appealing because it meets a youth’s social needs” (Howell). Regardless of what the youth’s reason for joining a gang is, a huge factor is due to parenting. When parents do not have structure in their home and let their kids do as they please without disciplining them for any bad action often those are the kids that tend to join gangs and turn to a life of crime and violence. Also when parents never show their kids love or if the kids feels that no one genuinely cares for them that tends to lead them into seeking that love somewhere else.

            Despite the number of gang members being extremely high, America needs to invest more time and money on our youth instead of prisoners and prisons. We should not wait for our young men and women to get to prison to try to help them out; we should be more proactive instead of being reactive. It is inevitable youth gangs and violence will always be around, but because most youth gang members join between the age of 12 and 15 we need to focus more on preventative strategies and try to help them stay out of the life of gangs and violence to help this world be a better place for everyone.


"California Leads the Nation in After-School Investment |" | 5,000 Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Prosecutors, and Violence Survivors Preventing Crime and Violence. 11 Mar. 2010. 
Web. 12 Feb. 2011. <>.

"Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative." Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Web. 14 Feb. 2011. <>. 

Howell, James C. "Gang Prevention." Juvenile Justice. U.S. Department of Justice, Dec. 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2011. <>.


  1. I totally agree with your point that America needs to and should invest more time and money in our youth. Youth should be taught while they are young, open minded and before they get into trouble. I have not checked the statistics or reports on such programs. But I am sure that there are programs designed to educate youth.

  2. Juvenile crime/gang involvement has long been an interest of mine. I believe it to be extremely important to identify the reasons/causes that lead juveniles to a life of crime and gang involvement. With identifying such, it will further implement the appropriate actions/ programs that deter the activity/involvement before the juvenile is engulfed into a lifestyle that is nearly impossible to stray from.

    I feel there to be very sufficient evidence and information within your writing to support the notion that juvenile gang involvement is an issue desperately in need of much greater attention. I enjoyed reading what you wrote. Great Job!

  3. I also agree that the U.S. needs to focus more on our youth, but think it needs to start early than the teen years. I think we need to start in elementary school when kids are developing role models and trying to figure out what they need to do to be "cool" when they become a teenager. I think if we can get to these kids at a younger age, then the risk of them joining a gang would go down significantly.

  4. I agree with your posting. the biggest reason our youth join gangs and commit criminal activity is because they have nothing better to do. The hours between them coming home from school and thier guardians getting home from work are crucial. If they do not have some type of positive influence, they will join gangs because it is what they are around and they have nothing better to do.

  5. I hear everyone saying how US needs to put money into the youth. Your absoutely correct. Its crazy because you keep hearing funds this and funds that. But really we wouldnt be spending so much money into the correctional system if we had the funds to catch them sooner because sending them to jails and prisons. Whats funny is that the two programs that I volunteer for have less recidivism rates for youth re-offending than do the CRJ system. And we all are strictly volunteers who devote any extra times to troubles teens. Honestly the PO's in the Sac County need us.....It's so rewarding to know that you can help one teen turn their life around and stay away from the CJ system and gang violence.
